How are diamonds judge?

Posted by on May 18th 2024

How are diamonds judge?

How are diamonds judged?

There are 5 c’s for judging diamonds and there price. They are #cut, #color, #clarity, #carat, #certification (usually done by the #G.I.A.; #Gemological #Institute of #America).

This organization was started in 1931 and is based in #California as a# nonprofit #organization dedicated to the #research and #education of the field in #jewelry #arts and #gemology and are known for there scale for #G.I.A. #diamonds. There is also the #I.G.I. (#International #Gemological #Institute) as another reputable and respectable certifier of #gemstones. Before these organizations were made, traders and #jewelers would argue over how #diamonds could be evaluated in terms of #color being describe as #river or #water, and “Cape” to describe the #yellow pale #diamonds from #SouthAfrica South Africa’s Cape of #GoodHope Good Hope region or a #diamonds #cut was well made or poorly made. But it wasn’t till the 1940’s that the founder of #G.I.A.; Robert M. Shipley;

made the term the 4Cs to help students four factors that characterize a #diamonds facets which was revolutionary at the time. After this was established, his successor, President Richard T. Liddicoat,

was known for the expansion of his work by universally-utilized the D-to-Z #color scale and #Clarity scale as well as established methods and procedures for objectively #grading a #diamonds quality. These two systems meant that a #diamonds #quality could be communicated in a universal language and the customers could now know exactly what they are purchasing. Both of these organizations are using the #4C’s.

All #Diamonds are #G.I.A. certified and come from Richard Cannon jewelry collection

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